Which Way Shall I Go?

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My Big Sister

I am wondering which way to go, today. I’m spoilt for choice as I could go this way, or that. I am stuck between Scylla and Charibdis Charybdis (spelling mistake courtesy of FPR!). Caught between a rock and a hard place and trying to choose between the Devil and the deep blue sea. I’m weighing up all my options before I come down on one side or the other as, at the moment, I am sitting on the fence.

I need to make a decision.

Had you guessed that?

The decision concerns this blogpost but I shall continue as I am, for the moment.

When I go to bed I really like snuggling under the duvet. I especially like the winter because snuggling feels so cosy and warm, even though my nose is probably still cold. However, there is one problem with diving in bed and drawing the covers right up and around me: Fibro Feet.

Between about five to fifteen minutes after I settle in bed, my Fibro Feet switch on to maximum, which means that the covers have to be kept well away from my little tootsies. They are burning hot inside and it feels as though the skin is being scraped off with a rasp. In fact, that scraping feels so realistic that a picture of it happening comes into my mind. That, in itself, is unpleasant because, as those closest to me know, I am very squeamish. I really dislike blood and gore and the image that comes into my brain contains both of those.

Another sensation that begins is that of my feet being pinched by a strong metal clamp. It doesn’t feel as though they are being squashed, it has a very definite feel of being pinched. I wonder why it is that all the sensations and feelings connected with having Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are all so unpleasant? The two conditions really should be told that it’s rather unkind to inflict all of that onto people who are having to cope with life encumbered by long-term illness.

The Fibro Feet don’t just attack when I am in bed, although they do consistently appear then. Their campaign against my poor plates of meat reignites at all sorts of times and in various places, but there doesn’t seem to be a regular pattern – except when I go to bed. It’s OK if I fall asleep immediately (feel free to snort with laughter at this point, if you wish), if not, they attack and they attack fast – and they ain’t takin’ any prisoners.